Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Happy New Year -Vision Boards and Goals

 Hey Friends ,

Wow we've made it to 2023 and let me say the last month of 2022 was a dozy for me. Long story short we had a fire in our home in December and we are currently in a temporary living space (An apartment). If someone would have told me you would be living in an apart for the first half of 2023 I would have laughed but here we are starting our year in a new space and trying to still navigate through life as it has thrown us this world wind of discomfort.

My husband and I did not enjoy the holiday season as it was stressful and a bit of depression crept in. We have gotten over the season blues and are trying our best to reset our lives and focus on getting our house repaired so we can be back in there this summer.


    to look on the bright side

                    We are taking this new time to declutter our lives and make our home special once again         

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