Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Black women + Soft life

             Hello friends, I hope you've been doing well, lately I've been busy getting my chaotic life in order. It's taken me some time to figure out how to blog again. I used tumblr like most people before it went through some changes, But I currently like this platform.

        I have been interviewing for a new job since the beginning of 2022, several duds happened but I finally found one that was promising and i accepted the offer.. stay tune i'll tell you all about it in another post, but for now lets talk about this new "soft-life"/"Luxury" lifestyles that black Social Media influencers are channeling. 

    When you think of the words soft life you think of all the things that make your life easy, in my opinion. Like having a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning service to help with keeping your house clean. Clean spaces me me more productive. Being able to purchase luxury items knowing that you worked hard and earned every penny. Also being able to travel and handle your mental space better.

Last year we took a couples vacation, something we hadn't done in what felt like forever. Despite the country being lockdown we still made it to Ft. Lauderdale. 

    Ft.Lauderdale has become a favorite of mine. We enjoyed the best week ever just sitting out and doing absolutely nothing. I even got to wear a bathing suit, something that I shied away from for a long time. 
When a woman wants to live a soft life where she is meeting her needs and pleasing her wants that allows room for her to build and be creative. 

So ladies and Gents, if a soft life sounds appealing to you in this moment work to achieve that life that you want. i promised myself and my therapist that 2022 was dedicated to letting things flow. I have worked on planting seeds and this year all my flowers will bloom. I do have to tell you I never saw a new job in the vision board but I am happy with this detour.

until next time loves

Rediscovering my love of Reading: I Got the New Kindle Paperwhite

           I am an avid reader, has been for decades. Only four to be exact, seeing as i'm approaching 45 (giggles) .              Last ...