Sunday, May 22, 2022

Mental health equals physical wealth

                          I’ve always felt that to get a better lifestyle change I needed to make sure I was mentally prepared for that change. Having health issues with diabetes and uterin polyps I’ve had it rough with hormones and emotions. Today I had my yearly exam and we brought up menopause and I realized that I was still isn’t fully educated on that stage of life and decided I wanted to blog about it. 

Diet and  exercise does play a great deal in dealing with that change of life especially when we hear about menopause middle, where women gain most of their hormonal weight in their midsection. So for all my women of color who are past 40, let’s breakdown menopause and what signs to look for so that you can discuss with your doctor in the future. 

My doctor told me today that my changes can come around the time my older sister has started out my mother. So my sister is a year older than I am and she’s peri-menopausal (. ). We’re never ready to face these things until we meet them in the middle of the road.Which is usually around the time when our physical health is in  jeopardy. I was told that unless symptoms presents itself don’t go looking for something, well that is not  accurate. 

If you allow your mind to be present at every age in your life your relationship with your body will be iTunes. You will know that  at age 35 you should request your doctor to just do a baseline mammogram so they have a record or history to go off of. Our medical history is extremely important and I don’t about you but I sometimes forget to mention concerns until after the visit. 

Our mental health will trigger either a positive or negative relationship without physical health. 

Ps. I had my mammogram this past Thursday and they saw something. Come back next week Thursday for updates.

Love Syn.

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